Coastal Kids

Fun, Safe and Faith-filled for Infants through 5th grade

See What's Happening
Curriculum & Mission

Train Up A Child

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

‍We use an engaging curriculum that is kid friendly and points them to God’s Word and God’s plan for their lives. Our Coastal Kids mission is to make and send out disciples of Jesus using a continuous and comprehensive approach to discipleship. Coastal Kids firmly believes that you are never too young to learn about God, have a relationship with God, and be used by God.

Schedule & Times

Weekly Events


Coastal Kids

9:30 AM
11:30 AM
9:30 AM
Infant to 2 years old
3-4 years old and 5 years old not yet in Kindergarten
Kindergarten thru 5th Grade

Coastal Clubs

6:45 PM - 8:00 PM
Students can Register for various clubs such as Art, Science, Flag Football, etc.  Clubs are set up in 5 week sessions, two sessions in the Fall, two sessions in the Winter and one 3 week session in the summer. See our Registration for available clubs as they may change each Session.

Currently Grades K-5th
Things to Know

Learn More About Coastal Kids

How We Help Your Kids Grow

Sundays are filled with a time of Worship, a Memory Verse, a Bible lesson, and an engaging activity or craft that emphasizes the lesson.  

Social Media

Pictures of services and events posted regularly on our Coastal Kids Facebook Page to keep families in the loop.  Membership is by invitation only.


Students are checked in electronically at our Check-in station. Each student is given a sticker with their name and parent’s phone number, as well as any allergy/medical information. Parents are given a security sticker with a barcode number that matches their child’s sticker for pick up.

New to Church? Start Here.

You may want to give your family a few extra minutes for check-in during your first visit. Our Check-In Staff will help you start a household profile with your contact information.  You can also download the Church Center app ahead of time and set up your profile at home before you arrive!


All Coastal Kids classrooms are located in the Children’s Wing.  The Wing doors are open as an Adult Volunteer greets families upon arrival.  The doors are locked once services begin.  Only Authorized Personnel are allowed beyond the doors once the doors are locked. All Coastal Kids volunteers and employees have passed a thorough background check.


Coastal Kids Staff

The Coastal Kids Staff is happy to serve children from infants to 5th grade on Sunday mornings and K-5th on Wednesday evenings.

Ruth Anne Wade
Ruth Anne Wade
Children's Director
Alyssa Lucio
Alyssa Lucio
Assistant Children's Director
Jaime Bradshaw
Jaime Bradshaw
Coastal Kids Campus Coordinator
Michelle Lewis
Michelle Lewis
Coastal Clubs Coordinator

Upcoming Events At Coastal

Parent's Night Out

Coastal Clubs Spring Session

Coastal Clubs Spring Session